Originally Posted by Se?or Ramos
EDIT: And I've always had a genuine curiosity of the idea that God is like our unconditionally loving father. My uconditionally loving father didn't send me to hell for fornicating before marriage and not apologizing to him... do you see where my quandry is? I just don't see why the punishment has be as swift and important as the reward? Should the reward be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (heaven) or the rainbow itself (life)?
God is indeed like that however He tells us the difference is His holy nature that prevents Him from having anything to do with sin. Mistakes and errors are made by us all and God isn't just hovering, awaiting an opportunity to punish. There is a very real punishment waiting for those who He will judge deserving of "punishment" but I firmly believe God does not want any to face His wrath and has said so. A way was made by Him to obtain cleansing from those sins enabling His spirit to dwell within us while on this earth to help, comfort and guide us until the time comes to be with Him for an eternity. It's a great promise and very real. God knows what hearts are open to Him and those that are closed forever...He
will answer if sincerely sought out!