Originally Posted by Red Blaze
Note to Smacklan, if you feel like you're in your feet, careful not to fall. It's actually stated on the Bible that if you're so sure, you should help. Not just stand back and "condemn".
I'm not "condemning" anyone...if anything they are condemning themselves with their own actions and words. They aren't my rules or yours, they are God's and He is very clear in what will condemn you in
His eyes...and what will redeem you to Him as well! I always find it quite interesting, to say the least, in these type discussions that those that don't believe seem to think they have some sort of authority to try and "teach" those of us that do believe about our own faith. I personally have spent
decades earnestly studying it and growing closer to God through His spirit during that time...I respect your right to your opinion but I'm really not swayed by it
@Peggy - well said, I will put my trust in what I know to be the truth also