Originally Posted by 0ptima
My gallery uses the 1/2/3/4 format (the format used when you are not using safemode) and this hack worked fine for me as my user ID is 1. When I switched to a test user with ID 123, the hack stopped working. I had to apply the patch provided by wottech here.
To determine whether a gallery is using safemode, in ACP, go to VbGallery -> Maintenance and scroll to the bottom.
BTW, this is a great hack ! 
Thanks - for the compliments and the hint concerning safe mode.
New config file for vbGallery!
v 3.1b
So - there's just another new config file for vBGallery with the following fixes and new features:
- Photo Popup determins correct folder structure
by checking whether vBG is running in safe mode environment and setting the folder structure accordingly. This is determined by a variable that vBG sets in its config database. The code for pulling together I borrowed from wottech, who posted a fix here.
- Photo Popup now checks whether vBG is set to save the originally uploaded images.
If this is the case, all "original"-options for inserting the images are linked to those original images, the images shown in the Gallery are linked to the "medium" options. If original size images are not safed, the behaviour is as it was up to now: The images shown in the Gallery are linked to the "original" options, the "medium" options are disabled. If you have "save originals on upload" active but do not want to allow them to be inserted, you can set the new "original_override"-switch at the top of the config file to "TRUE".
Please check out the new config file and report any bugs here
File removed for a later version, check next posts!