here is a suggestion. Right click on one of the missing images, click on properties. In properties look up the URL of the image. For the statusicons it will be something like: "" (Yours of course will be different)
Copy/paste the URL into your address bar and hit enter. Does the image show? If not, delete the image name and press enter. If you get a cannot be found page then you uploaded your images wrong. If you get a blank page that means the folder exists (but it won't show you the contents).
Regardless, that folder is where your statusicon images should be, if they're not your forum won't display them. Just navigate to that folder via FTP and make sure your image is there and is spelled correctly (CASE SENSITIVE!!)
Originally Posted by Lynne
It would help to have a link to the site and for you to tell me what happened when you did my suggestion:
(Also, I am not male.)
Hahaha "bro". Sorry couldn't help it. :P