Originally Posted by tldagent
[...]Unfaithful? In what, a doctrine written and prescribed by men?
[...]Those are the words of Jesus interpreted by MEN. Don't you see? One man saw an angel, another a boy dressed in white and yet another saw 3 angels... it's open to interpretation.
In school, our teacher had us all sit in our chairs in a circle and then she whispered a short story into the ear of chair number one and asked that the story be whispered from one chair to the next until the entire room had heard the story. Well, by the time the story got to the last person in the circle the entire story changed... That's all in ONE Hour of ONE DAY. You're talking about thousands of years of stories coupled with politics and men.
And please, the prophecies are prophesies of humans that have always searched. It wasn't that long ago the sun was worshiped as being God.
tldagent, you're right. To a point. It is open to interpretation, but what makes most sense? Granted, the bible was written by men, however inspired by God. You know how a boss has his secretary, or someone else writing for him? Same deal. Read any book, and compare it with the bible. Just any other book has a pretty big chance to contradict itself. I have yet discovered the Bible to contradict itself.
If the Bible says "Love Thy Neighbor" and then says "Kill who doesn't believe", hey, there's something wrong there.
The Bible also stated not to worship anything, or anyone. That includes the Sun.
Now, I apologize if I made it seem like I was judging you, because it's true we're no one to judge each other. I can't tell you, "Oh you're going to hell" because I might end up sinning the next day. Not that I believe in "Hell", btw. No such thing. Same goes for Heaven. Again, something off topic.
"Don't judge if you don't want to be judged."
I also agree that this should be left alone, because some people don't know how to discuss. Just argue. And Jesus didn't argue.
Note to Smacklan, if you feel like you're in your feet, careful not to fall. It's actually stated on the Bible that if you're so sure, you should help. Not just stand back and "condemn".