Originally Posted by smacklan
Funny stuff tldagent...sounds just like all the other's before you for the last 2000 years, but hey, it's not me you will ultimately answer to so good luck with your position, you're gonna need it 
Are you condemning me? Is this some sort of Christian bread burning? I thought Jesus taught that you don't judge another. By the sounds of it you've judged not only me but others who don't prescribe to your beliefs. This is certainly not characteristic of the Jesus in the bible, (words in red). Onward Christian soldier!
For me, I'll turn the other cheek, walk the second mile, forgive seventy times seven and hope that we don't have to endure another Crusade or another slaying of each other as dictated by a mythological god to some self proclaimed... whatever you wish to call it.
BTW, If you have any of this proof I ask that you bring it. This obviously isn't the forum to get into this but I'll believe and repent. All I seek is absolute truth and if you have it, I'm all ears. Not mythology but proof.
Love ye one another! Peace.
ADDED: I'll let this rest now. If you want to discuss it in more depth, feel free to PM me. There's really no point in discussing something like this any further on this forum and I apologize if I've offended anyone.