Thanks, but i don´t think, that there is a problem with phpfox, because in Stand-Alone-Operation ( without vb-integration) it works fine. To keep my Community runnig, i uninstalled php-fox and even the vb-integration.
Even therefore phpfox offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and I just bought another Script called Handshakes. I hope, the integration of my vb-users will be better than this script here.
Sure, it is not a PHPfox-Problem, but i bought that phpfox-script to integrate a vbulletin into an cms to get something like an common portal with Chat, Blog, Flirtline, etc. Even this script here ( the integration-script) seems to be the only way to integrate a vb to this cms and it not works for me, i decided to try out other scripts with the needed functionality.
Many thanks for the trying of support this integration-script,
ps: could anyone delete the mark " downloaded" for this mod?