Sorry Smacklan, Jesus has been coming since he left and the sky has also been falling as well. Not to mention the rapture which is still on it's way. The bible and all those books have been changed and altered so much and were written by men for men under political pressure.
Paul was chosen by Jesus according to Paul. Did I miss something? Let's also not forget that those words in that bible you mentioned, were written by men who thought the world was flat. LOL. Historically, that's correct. If you choose to believe otherwise then that's called faith. Faith that what another man wrote is truth. Is it? Adam and Eve, the story of, was written approximately 4000 years after it would have taken place, is this also truth?
They call all of this mythology.
Hey, you can run them over pulling out of the church parking lot, stab them in the back before church on Sunday, but no worries because we're washed in the blood of the lamb.
What's true and what's not is based on what others have told you or what you have read. It's all perception. I was raised Christian and know today that what's said on that pulpit is not for the love of christ but for the love of money.
Christianity came from Paul not from Jesus. Read Acts.
I would though, be interested in historical and factual evidence that support your claim though. Please be aware that there has never ever been any that anyone has come up with.