Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
All religions are man-made. All denominations in the Christian sector are man-made. A bunch of man-made rules. Jesus told us to live according to the Bible, love each other, treat each other good, and help those who need help. He didn't tell us that wearing make-up, cutting our hair short and having pierced ears would send us to hell. I don't believe in any religion or denomination. I believe in relationship with God.
I disagree. Jesus did not tell us to live according to the Bible. He was a way shower in which there is and never has been any real proof of his existence to begin with. The bible, (The new testament) was written after the supposed Christ. Christianity is not the way of Jesus it's the way of Paul, who was a self proclaimed prophet of Jesus Christ. Paul never actually met Christ.
I totally agree with what you've said there otherwise Ohiosweetheart. It's funny how twisted our society has become and how unlike Jesus many Christians have become.
The fact of the matter is that if todays Christians had Jesus in their midst, (providing there is such a thing) they would stone him, hang him on a cross and call him blasphemous. They do it to each other everyday and it was Christ that showed us that what we do to our fellow man we do unto ourselves. If you want to hurt yourself, hurt your neighbor.
It's really not much to debate here but it is something to ponder. There are a lot of people who use Jesus and Christianity to extract money out of naive people. What we have today is the blind leading the blind and like all religions, there is only one God and that God is
MONEY! It's sad but it's the truth. As a Christian nation we are all but an example of what it means NOT to be Christian.
Onward Christian soldiers!