Several months ago I made a suggestion with regards to "top vb graphics" to be added on the frontpage. I'm requesting again for this to be added, Whenever it comes to graphics orientated stuff has always been lacking and I see no reason why it's not added amongst the other categories.
Paul, you stated you would look into it and from the resolution I'm using there is enough space (though we can debate this) this will always depend on the amount of text added to the news on the frontpage. Another table for the top graphics would be nice and a way to show that the graphic contributors are not having their contributions overlooked and that all areas of the contributions have the same features. Personally, I cannot understand why this wasn't added from the start along with the
top mods/top styles/top templates as it seems the graphics part of is either overlooked.
On a related note, the graphics area has grown significantly, and this warrants the same features as the styles/mods and any other contributing category on the org.
Here's the
thread (quoting paul_m below) I posted last time and there was indeed changes made after this thread so I'm assume this was overlooked.
Originally Posted by paul_m
No reason other than no one has mentioned it before.
Other than possibly the lack of room, I cant see any reason not to add one the next time I do some changes.