Originally Posted by wottech
Well, I was having some issues with vbGallery and it not showing any images. After looking at the debug code, I realized that the directory structure wasn't the same as what mine is. I have an older version of vbGallery, so the structure might have changed. Mine is setup such that the userid is split into single characters, so a user with an id of 1234 has images in a dir starting with /1/2/3/4/ instead of /1234/. Anyway, I'm attaching part of the code that needs to be changed in case anyone else has a file structure like this.
###### Construct image bits ######
function imagebits ()
global $array;
global $data_dir;
global $url_path;
$new_userid = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($array['userid']); $i++)
$new_userid .= $array['userid'][$i] . "/";
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $array['filename'];
$filename_parts = pathinfo($array['filename']);
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $filename_parts['filename'] . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
$img['med'] = "";
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "showimage.php?i=" . $array['imageid'];
return $img;
Everything works great now! Now its time to attempt the config file for the garage module. 
FYI I have the latest and greatest vbgallery, and it needed this too!