Originally Posted by kronnos
Here is another bug noticed at my end:
In the notifications manager i have "Number of notifications to display in the chatbox" set to 20.
In the Chat management I put to "Number of chats in the chatbox" set to "X".
Here is what it does for me:
In the notifications box, it will show the correct number of notifications(at first). But in the last number of chats what it did was subtract the number i last chats to displaye set by me from the number of notifications. So I put in display last 20 notifications and put display last 21 chats. It would only display me one last chat and 20 notifications.
I tested the with number of notifications set to 20 and kept changing the number of displayed last chats.
number of chats set to display/ number of chats showed
30-28/7 and 23 last posts/threads
20/2 and 18 in last posts/thread
Also, more strange things:
When i set to display last chats to 100 and set the number of notifications to 20
it showed me last 30 chats and about 70 notifications....
You need to set the very first option in the 'Notifications' area
Separate SQL query for the notifications to Yes.
By default it is set to No and will only show the set amount of notifications you have set as chats and topics meaning if you set it at 20 then 20 total chats and/or threads total will be shown.
Setting it to have seperate queries will split the two and show exactly how many you have set it to show each.