Here is another bug noticed at my end:
In the notifications manager i have "Number of notifications to display in the chatbox" set to 20.
In the Chat management I put to "Number of chats in the chatbox" set to "X".
Here is what it does for me:
In the notifications box, it will show the correct number of notifications(at first). But in the last number of chats what it did was subtract the number i last chats to displaye set by me from the number of notifications. So I put in display last 20 notifications and put display last 21 chats. It would only display me one last chat and 20 notifications.
I tested the with number of notifications set to 20 and kept changing the number of displayed last chats.
number of chats set to display/ number of chats showed
30-28/7 and 23 last posts/threads
20/2 and 18 in last posts/thread
Also, more strange things:
When i set to display last chats to 100 and set the number of notifications to 20
it showed me last 30 chats and about 70 notifications....