In the last version it does correct to the default usergroup color, you are using it ?
Yes that is corrected but the color I want is not on the list of colors. And the forum default color used for forums is the one I would want. So before users change the color, the true default color is the color used on all posts. So maybe is the usergroup, maybe the list of colors or if there is a manual color picker, should include an option that the default usergroup color can be the default color used for the posts/forums.
Adding a color is currently only feasible by editing the functions_mgc_cb_evo.php file, I might consider putting the list in an option in the next version.
I would do it by manually editing but it would be hell keeping up with the upgrades and making the same changes all the time.
Ah you mean they aren't parsed anymore while still shown in the menu line ?
Yep. When turning off the entire BBcodes menu, the smilies from the smiley menu no longer parse. Maybe its just the way it is or maybe some dis configuration on my part.