Originally Posted by yotsume
Is there a way to get the chatbox to show on the vbBlog pages?
Look at the blog php file and have a look at the THIS_PAGE define.
If you only want to show the chatbox on this other page of the forum, you have to put the parameter of this definition and put it in the option in the acp and then activate the show chatbox on defined pages below the navbar.
Originally Posted by kronnos
Can you please point me to the right template and what phrase to look for, i just can't seem to find anything;(
NM, i found it 
lol ok
Originally Posted by Abrupt
I uninstalled this and the options to change permissions are still in user group permissions so it gives me an sql now when I try to update permissions because I uninstalled it and the sql database does not exist. How do I remove these options from user group permissions?
You have not folowed uninstall instructions correctly ... You have to remove files and then remove the product...
To fix this remove the chatbox files, especially in the includes/xml directory.
Originally Posted by doogie88
Sorry, I mean regarding the phrase "chats" and changing it to soemthing else. You said you just have to change the phrase. But I can't find it anywhere.
Yes this is what I said

I told you in my message what the phrase is
Originally Posted by kronnos
The input field is white and the text field is almost black. This makes it impossible to pick the right color that can nicely be seen in the input field and in the chatbox itself. I see a new feature was added "Option to disable wysiwyg in input field", so this should be very helpfull in the new release.
Originally Posted by kronnos
Everything is great before choosing a color. The input is black and the color is the same as the text color used elsewhere on the forum. But as soon as color is changes, it changes both in editor and chatbox. Going back to default does not correct this to the actuall default it was before. In the usergroup default colors, i can't chose the color that is default for my forum because its nto on the list. So can there be a place where you manually enter the color number?
In the last version it does correct to the default usergroup color, you are using it ?
Adding a color is currently only feasible by editing the functions_mgc_cb_evo.php file, I might consider putting the list in an option in the next version.
Originally Posted by kronnos
Would it be possible to be able to chose which colors will be included in the dropdown for the users to be able to pick out of? Since preomlem one will be fixed in the next update, This way, I could enter all light colors only to be used on the dark background and the input field can stay black color.
Well the list as option stated in previous sentence would allow it
Originally Posted by kronnos
Also noticed that hwne turning of the bbcode menu, smilies do not show anymore.
Ah you mean they aren't parsed anymore while still shown in the menu line ?