Ok I had to disable the BBcodes because its just very troublesome on the forum.
- The input field is white and the text field is almost black. This makes it impossible to pick the right color that can nicely be seen in the input field and in the chatbox itself. I see a new feature was added "Option to disable wysiwyg in input field", so this should be very helpfull in the new release.
- Everything is great before choosing a color. The input is black and the color is the same as the text color used elsewhere on the forum. But as soon as color is changes, it changes both in editor and chatbox. Going back to default does not correct this to the actuall default it was before. In the usergroup default colors, i can't chose the color that is default for my forum because its nto on the list. So can there be a place where you manually enter the color number?
- Would it be possible to be able to chose which colors will be included in the dropdown for the users to be able to pick out of? Since preomlem one will be fixed in the next update, This way, I could enter all light colors only to be used on the dark background and the input field can stay black color.
- Also noticed that hwne turning of the bbcode menu, smilies do not show anymore.
Thanks You, all else is great!