Originally Posted by GSeybold
Should we increase the tax on cigerettes?
Normally I would say no, it's your body, your business but taxpayors are paying millions out in healthcare cost of these smokers so yes!
Also, if a person is on welfare, on public money, they shouldn't be allowed to smoke as they'll also be on public medicine as well. So I'm paying for the person to get sick and then paying for their hosptial bills? Yikes!
Preventable conditions cost us so much money when we could be spending this same money on finding cures for conditions people do not to do themselves.
im not happy with your post.
With the tax that people pay on cigarettes they should be getting free private healthcare.
Yet u on about not giving them any care at all.Remember without the tax from cigarettes the goverment would recoup the money from elsewhere and proberly hit u in the pocket as well.
Now what about people who drink - should we tax them as well more because we all know that alcohol puts a burden on the hospitals.
What about fat people - maybe we should introduce a fat tax on the food they eat in prder for them to eat less.
The list goes on and the only people who benefit are the goverment.
Leave smokers alone - we pay enough in tax.(Yes i am a smoker but thats my personal choice)