Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a fantastic day for those of us who love this fantastic mod, with soooo many downloads and installs it is shame that the mod is no longer ongoing.
In the past I have spoken to a number of coders about recreating this, coding from scratch, and have even paid some deposits however the coders have run off with the money and never done anything about this being set up and updated.
Well after much deliberations, and a number of private messages to Andreas we may have some movement on an update to this product finally.
Despite in the first thread saying that this code will not be ongiven, and there will be no updates from him I must have caught Andreas on a good day because I have been given permission from Andreas to create an updated ported version of vbookie...
I'm fine if you are going to build a free version if it will fully follow vBulletin Code standards, etc. - but I will definitly not give permission for a commercial version.
If you want to build a free version, send me the code when you are done so I can take a look at it - if it meets the conditions set above you'll get permission to release it, otherwise you won't.
Is what I was sent in the Private Message, and although I do not like sharing private messages I thought this shows that we can continue to work on this to port it and add new features.
I am only a beginner when it comes to coding, but can do things it just takes a while and therefore I would like to put the call out there for ideas you would like to see in a new version of vbookie ONLY For 3.8.x - and also put the call out for any coders who would like to help out in the recreation of it.
Reply to this thread or send me a pm to discuss future and hope it gives us all hope of a new improved vbookie - if I am coding myself (to the standards) we are probably looking at a couple of months before its done but if more coders come on and we do our part it could be slightly quicker.
EDIT: I forgot to mention it will be a major code rewrite for it however working of the base of Andreas version.