I made some changes to the config file for vBGallery. Up to now there was an issue I was not aware of concerning user categories: user categories not belonging to the current user were visible in the albums drop down menu as an empty line. This should be fixed now: only user categories belonging to the user are shown and, of course, with title.
The .zip file in the first post has been updated. If you already downloaded 3.1, you can download just the attached config file and upload it to your includes folder. If you modified your vBG config file (because you use an older version and needed to account for the different data folder structure), you can also do the following file edit:
$albums_select = "
SELECT catid, title_clean
FROM " . $db_prefix . "categories
WHERE hasimages = 1
ORDER BY title_clean
Replace with:
SELECT catid, title
FROM " . $db_prefix . "categories
WHERE hasimages = 1 AND (catuserid = 0 OR catuserid = $userid)
ORDER BY parent, displayorder
File removed for newer version. Check following posts! Please note that there are further improvements going on, so it is recommended not to do the file edit, but to upload the updated config file.