Originally Posted by vbreal
i did it the way Ive been doing it. its obviously something else if i was able to reinstall the old version and get it to work fine the same way i installed the new version. i would think as a beta tester you would try to help get it installed correctly vs telling me to wait two weeks. you didn't even suggest anything to try.
ha i will be surprised to see it in the appstore that soon. apple has been lagging on soon they release new apps or even updates to apps.
has it been sent to apple yet?
Hi vbreal,
We have been helping you to install the app - this is a standard Apple iPhone adhoc distribution process and is so far quite confusing to few users. Since this application will be available in app store soon I suggest you can sit back and wait for the seamless install experience with the app store.
We will release one or two more minor iPhone fixes before the official release to you, once it is out we will certainly assist you in installing the ad-hoc built.
Sorry it has bee overwhelming to us on the amount of work to be done - we're focusing so much on bugs fixing and at time not doing so well to help beta-testers getting their app install.