I would like to nominate my forum:
Site Name: Wizard101 Central
URL: http://www.wizard101central.com
Description: A thriving kid friendly fansite for the game Wizard101. We have many modifications integrated including a PvP area for our members to challenge others and a very popular forum gold store.
Reason for Nomination: We have a very loyal userbase that grows by 100-150 each day and currently have reached almost 12k members in 8 months. We have received many compliments from adults and children alike regarding the friendliness of the community and attractive graphics. The developers of the game frequent our site daily and we hold contests where the prizes are donated to us by the developers of Wizard101, Kingsisle. We do serve ads to non members, but once registered and logged in they go away. Our site staff is second to none and all are very dedicated to keeping the forum safe for children.
Test Account:
User: BOTM Test Account
Pass: password
We hope to be in the running for this contest!!
Thank you