Hi folks,
sorry for the long delay in answering questions and getting out a new version, but I'm really busy at the moment
This is really just a smaller release, including some bug fixes suggested in this thread. Thanks for all the work and thought that went into those! Be sure I try to keep up and integrate what you come up with!
Version 3.1- new/updated product config files:
- cnd garage (thanks to wottech for cooperation)
- photoplog categories (for pro version)
- photoplog albums (for pro version)
- photoplog (updated, for lite version)
- some additional cookie error checking
- error checking in AdminCP removed
- bugfixes from this thread:
- corrected error in installation.txt (see)
- applied safemode-fix for vbG (see)
- Popup-focus-fix (see)
- fixed errors in config_photoplog.php (see and see more)
Note on Photopost support
- The config file thats just named photo_popup_photoplog is for the lite version. It works for me, although there have been problems reported. I can't reproduce these problems here.
- I decided to use two config scripts for Photoplog Pro. This means that PPlog categories and PPlog useralbums will be handled as two different products. Some errors have been fixed thanks to hints from Stoebi and bjhung in this thread. Thanks!
- though I have installed Photoplog for testing and I do offer a integration with this mod, I do not use either Lite nor Pro and have limited time to "get into it". Support for Photoplog is therefore limited and on an "as is" basis. If someone comes up with a better solution than mine, I'll gladly integrate it, as long as it does not force me to change the main code (minor changes would be considered, though).
- Baseline: As you can see, Photoplog is the weak point at the moment. This is partly due to my lack of time (and, I have to confess, to some extent also willingness) to digg myself into it's sturctures. Sorry folks, but I hope that the two new config files work for you. If not, everyone is welcome to come up with a solution (preferably in form of a working config file
- Attachments will not be supported at the moment, with v4 and the new attachment management system pending. This may change once v4 is out.
- The problem reported in this post concerning not needed /.../ in image-paths can partly be reproduced. I do not experience it when inserting images from the albums (the folder is a subfolder of forum root), but always if the chosen product resides in a folder that is not a subfolder of forum root. This seems to be caused by the injection script that is part of the forum software and that this mod uses. I do not see a way around this.