I'm not sure who your web provider is, but I took a little time and made this for you from a screen shot.
I use blue domino, very pleased with the service.
I would assume that most "User control panels" look similar.
The first two as you can see open the very same home page.
The two with blue hands pointing at them open "clones" (the same page "parked" in different folders)
I had originally came up with the "thamfriends" name to honor a forum I was very active in, but they banned me for starting my own, and I refuse to "honor" a forum I am no longer welcome at, so I got really lucky when someone forgot to pay their bill for "mypetforums.com", I snapped it right up the day it was released!
Since I have gone online six weeks ago, we have now got 51 active members, 6 thousand posts, and nearly 400 threads, Very proud of that accomplishment in only six weeks time.
I do recommend that if you are going to take this seriously, learn some basic HTML, CSS, and java script commands. In the end you will be glad you did.
Vbulletin allows for a "test" forum with the same license, Set one up and PLAY with it.
I have found over the last six weeks that Vbulletin is VERY customizable, the people here are super, and most of all it's fun to learn how this stuff works!