thanks for the coder regarding his work
this is very important issue regarding the visitors of the forums, as they become frustrated when they take long time redirected to dead link web pages.
but Unfortunately your modification need some improvements to become perfect one
There is some points I would like to take attention
- if the post contain too much links ex. 30 the mod hang up (stop working)
- if the post contain only one dead link from many working active links, the Bot send all the thread to the graveyard even if there is a replay contain correction to the link
- the cron job not working
- if the Bot cann`t process one thread ex. thread id 12345, it cann`t bypass it and manage the next one id 12346.
is there any methodes just to mark the linke if active or dead only without transfering the whole thread to another forum like this example and pm the poster with his dead links after specific period it will be transfered to the graveyard (Active). (dead).
I hope it will be fixed and upgraded , really it is a great Modification
good luck
best regards