Originally Posted by leducq
How could I put this on other pages of my site? Great, simple mod....:up:
I dont know if any other have solved this allready, but this i how i did it.
Go to the Admin Control Panel / Plugin & Pruducts / Plugin Manager
Now Edit the "Latest Album Picture" - "forumhome_start".
Change the hook location to "global_start".
Open "global.php" and add this code:
eval('$afmlatestfm = "' . fetch_template('afm_latestfm') . '";');
Now just write "$afmlatestfm" in any template you want the Album Pictures to show (without the " " of course).
If you dont want the other "Latest Album on Forum Home" to show just edit the line in the Album Pictures - Forum home plugin:
case 1: $vbulletin->templatecache['navbar'] .= $vbulletin->templatecache['afm_latestfm']; break;
case 1: $vbulletin->templatecache['none'] .= $vbulletin->templatecache['afm_latestfm']; break;
And then just choose "Navbar bellow" in Album Picture Location in the Album Picture - Forum Home Settings.