hello paul,
if this plugin works in all versions of 3.8 which i'm not doubting you
i'm just not getting this working i followed your instructions to the letter
i have installed alot of plugins / mods for years on vbulletin boards granted
i've never coded one myself so i'm familiar with how to install them.
i install the plugin it says installed fine on both stylevar templates the default
vbulletin 1 and the custom battlegear skin from vbvision.
in the vbulletin settings i go down to the bottom option which is yours.
i see the config page where you edit it to turn on/off and all the other options.
but even if i set 0 to all options or the ID of actual usergroups
there is nothing in the legend that says users has viewed this thread.
all that shows is the default vbulletin one that says
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 3 (2 members and 1 guests)
GraphiX2004, Candostum
but say i stop viewing this thread or candostum does there's no mention
that these people have viewed my post/thread
with this being v3.8.1 and the stock files it should contain this template hook.
i can't see it but maybe i'm looking in the wrong place but either way if it is there
then the plugin has installed and i can edit the options of the plugin
why is nothing showing on my forum about users who's viewed the thread?
i'll be honest paul i thought this was a standard feature of vbulletin thats why i bought it.
if i would of known this was not a standard thing i'd of gone with ipb or some other software
i need this working , due to the content of the post i need to know which of my members has read it.
can you shed any light on why it's not working ?