If this is a dedicated server, do the following:
edit php.ini and raise the memory_limit = 16M or to a higher numer 32M or 64M and restart http/apache.
If this is a vhost, then you may need to ask your host to raise the limit, but your host may allow local over ride of php settings, do the following in this case:
Create a file named php.ini on your desktop, just make a new notepad.txt edit it and add the following to it:
memory_limit = 32M or 64M
Save the file as php.ini and then upload it to your ftp account and place it in the public_html/root directory of your site.
If your host doesn't allow the use of local php.ini files, then you may also try a .htaccess file and add the following to it by using the php_flag variable.
php_flag memory_limit = 32M