Originally Posted by MDK-Indy
Have you a Idea how i can Fix it?
greeting Indy
I will post a corrected german language as stated in post just above
Originally Posted by kronnos
1- Everytime I get an error or other message from the chatbox, I can't see it untill I highlight it.
And here is after highlight...
So how do i change the text color so its black or something.
This is YUI css, I think I posted a hint here in the thread on how to fix this if you are experiencing the issue.
Originally Posted by kronnos
2- I wanted a custom location to put the chat on the forumhome so I did the following change:
$find = '$forumhome_markread_script';
$brb = ' <br />';
$bra = ' ';
$find = '<!-- End top category table setup -->';
I deleted $brb = ' <br />'; AND $bra = ' '; because I figured the "$brb = ' <br />';" is what gave me the extra space above the chatbox and "$bra = ' ';" removed the 5% spacer I had on my fluid template and made it full screen. I don't know why or what it was supposed to do in the first place. So is it ok that i removed those 2 lines?
Yes you can proceed.
Originally Posted by kronnos
Also, is it ok i changed the plugin instead of just pasting the custom code in any location i wanted to? Does this mean it will add an extra query to the database since this new location its looking for is not cached?
No no.
Originally Posted by kronnos
3- In the top row of the chatbox, it shows the chatbox name centered. How can I make it so its aligned to the left?
Edit the mgc_cb_evo template. But becareful, don't forget to revert the template at each upgrade or you'll have "hey it's not working issues"
Originally Posted by kronnos
4- The page loads really quick, as usual, but when it reaches the place with the chatbox location, it kinda stops to think for a few seconds. i also noticed this on Forumcoding site as well. Is this normal, will there be a way to reduce that load time, Or is that just the way it is?
I think it's due to javascript loading, I have to work on that in next releases coz it's bearly annoying I must admit.
Originally Posted by kronnos
BTW, I own the BF version, if that makes any difference in the changes i would need to make for above changes.
Nope doesn't
Originally Posted by jalmz
im having problem with the arcade. the mgc chat box is gone.
Just like that it disapeared ?!
Originally Posted by Prettyeyes4you
One thing we found early on was having chat open in multiple pages was a drag on our resources. Perhaps those having problems might look to that as a source of their troubles
I don't follow you, what do you mean ?
Originally Posted by Prettyeyes4you
Members like the command functions, specially the me and slap,
My admins like the announcement commands
Would it also be possible to add a "you" command? kinda miss that one
What does this command do ?
Originally Posted by EntranaRS
i cant Set the Permissions so UserGroups and cant use Commands and Actions Help please
Why can't you ? do you get any error ?