Originally Posted by Pehchaan
I'm also facing this (complete uninstall) problem.
Waiting for fix version, Please let me know when it will be available?
I *hope* this week.
Originally Posted by YopY
How difficult would it be to check if a user owns a certain item bought in the shop? Say a user wants to buy the right to alter his username's color, could one check in a template if the user has that particular item?
The items are stored in a db-table, also they appear in the profile and if configured, in the postbit.
Originally Posted by YopY
Is it possible to give multiple people the same award? Say I want to give everyone who donated a 'Donator' award, how would that be done / is that possible? From what I see right now, only the person with the largest amount of points in a certain category / the sum of several categories gets the award - although I've only tried it out on my local system, mind.
Yes. It must be a custom assigned award.
Calculations for awards can also be automated via CDP (Plugin Interface)
Originally Posted by YopY
A similar question on items, am I seeing it right that people can spend a certain amount of points from a certain category on items? So if a user has a certain amount of Activity points, he can spend those on Activity items? Dunno if I'm wording that right.
You can freely define which point storage will be used for buying a particular item.
Originally Posted by YopY
Any documentation on the various extras / addons?
Right now only smaller descriptions in the header of the xml files.
Originally Posted by tehviruss
I'm sorry, but I can't seem to understand how to use the Promotion system? I'd like for the secondary usergroup of a "Registered User" to change according to level. How do I access this feature?
Instructions can be found in readme_levels.txt
Originally Posted by phreak79
Does anyone have any idea why my bars aren't appearing?
The medals appear ok but I have no bars. Everything else about it seems to be working perfectly except that.
In the bars config I have things setup as 'display on postbit'; hidebars in postbit:no; show bar text:yes; position in postbit  ostbit_user_info_left (although I've tried them all)
And nothing. Any ideas?
You need to have the template hooks in your postbit template. Check in the original vBulletin templates.
Originally Posted by realdx
Lovely, just one question, can users sell files in the forum shop? I mean, I do scans of stickers for a vintage toy, upload the .rar file to the shop and price them. then another user pass by, pay the price and download the file? thank you for your work!
Yes, in combination with the eMail confirmation.