Originally Posted by vbboarder
Here's the answers to your Q's:
1. For non-awarded posts, nominate_topic_amount , nominate_topic_award & nominate_topic_award_rank should all be 0.
For awarded posts, those values vary with when & what award they got.
2. It only shows nominated posts for the current contest or that have past awards. It does not show past nominations that did not win.
3. It will award a maximum of 3 awards per contest period - this is can not be changed, it's hard-coded. Less than 3 awards are given if there's < 3 posts nominated.
tks alot for taking the time to help us all
For Q3, what I mean to ask is, what if the results of the poll are 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, which means that some of the polls share same number of votes. How does it award the top 3?
For Q2, I understand how it works now. I observe that if i retain the values of the variable nominate_topic_amount, then when a search is done for a members' nominated posts, it will show all past nominations as well. I think that it is important, just like the 'thank you' mod for members to be able to see what posts of other members were previously nominated. However, the main problem is that it will then display that the post has 'won' the TOTW. Where do I go to change the check to exclude nominate_topic_amount to determine if the post has won? I believe that the variable nominate_topic_award_rank shld be sufficient to determine if the post has won previously and we can exclude the condition on nominate_topic_amount?