Originally Posted by Princeton
I heard some talk about "drug tests" for welfare recipients. I think it's a good idea but gov't will need to bring the costs down for doing these tests. It's not worth it if it's going to cost the program a lot of money.
More of the problem of this is a moral issue then money. If you could drug test ($30) a welfare recipient, have them fail, and get kicked of welfare we would save, literally, millions, if not billions.
the issue really is, how fair is it for the little child of a crackhead welfare recipient. mommy got high and now they have no food, then they go into the system, which open another huge can o' worms...
there are a few states with pilot programs like this i believe AZ was testing the water of welfare drug testing.
there is no perfect answer i think to the problems we have with welfare.
on the cigarette tax, screw you non-smokers! :P
we are being taxed, HEAVILY, and it is not with the intent of "helping us quit" OR "paying our future medical bills" it is to put tax money into the government coffers. It is messed up, imagine of there was a federal $1 a gallon tax hike on gas, imagine the uproar that would create.
they should not look at smokers or drinkers or anyone other 1 group as cash cow, it is messed up IMO.
ETA: Governor of Delaware, who sucks, is hitting me hard......
extra tax on people making over 60k a year
extra tax on cigs
extra tax on alcohol
my wife, a state worker, is taking a 8% pay cut AND her health care premiums are going up.....