How to I change all users to have this default setting?
About a month ago, when Daylight Savings time took effect, I started having users complain about have Security Token errors.
After reading through the various steps to correct them (which none of them worked), I decided that since it had to do with Daylights savings time, to compare the users that where complaining, to the ones that weren't. This is what I found,
The users having problems had this setting:
Automatically detect DST Setting = Y
Is DST currently in Effect = N
However, all the users not complaining had this setting:
Automatically detect DST Setting = N
Is DST currently in Effect = Y
So I change the ones that were complaining to N and Y, and everything is working great, no complaints at all.
Now the question - How can I make all my users have this setting? I know I can log into each and everyone of their account and change it, but is there a easier way to do a group change?