Originally Posted by Zachariah
4-Mar-09 / 3-Apr-09
Overall site bounce rate
Main page bounce rate
Forum index page bounce rate:
URL: http://www.szone.us/
I changed the front page / portal to a listing of many subjects vs. 4 main news posts.
Old stats before change:
82.48% Overall Bounce
65.92% Main index (portal) Bounce
16.67% Forum index Bounce
wow! some EXCELLENT improvements :up: :up:
- increase font size just a little bit (portal and navbar links)
- enlarge google search input field and button (increased queries = more revenue)
- tone down the white background (on some monitors the color can be too bright for sensitive eyes - know your target audience)
this isn't a style review so I will stop there
but, I do see other problems with the style