Whatever seemed to be awry seems that it 'may' have been more of an upgrade issue for me personally, although I did see it on my fresh install. After the installation, IF you see any issues just log out / log in again and that should fix any issues you might see.
Currently it's runnin on my active community site at
Just in case, I'll leave my other ramblings quoted below.
I removed the download temporarily, I've stumbled upon a strange issue I want to sus out before I put it back up there.
Something with one of the new Javascripty bits I believe, something isn't recognizing post contents *blushes*.
You can help test/post/whatever currently at http://phoenix.crimson.net/forums/
Alright, for the time being I've re-added it for Download, please be careful! I think there is an issue with browser caching of the java script bits, which after that gets cleared up it seems to work okay (though this happens for new installs as well as upgrades).
I'm still looking into it but decided to make it available for people to look at and play with should you so desire.