Originally Posted by nexialys
it's not a preference actually (like if the web was based on personal preferences)
Google is checking first if a mysite.com exists... if not, www.mysite.com is checked out and then google say it's impossible to find.
your server is supposed to manage www. calls, so it redirect to your site in the /public_html/ path. if you have no /www/ ALIAS directory below your /public_html/, ou can ask your webmaster to make one... (it's simply a alias of the /public_html/ path!)
.htaccess files are not handling the situation very well, just replacing the www. but that cause a sub-domain to be used and your site may have cookies problems if it is done.
Ahha, so google searched for the non-www version first? So maybe they prefer the non-www version?
Anyway, what exactly should i ask my host to do to make the changes so I do not have to use the htaccess to make it non-www or www version?
Would they understand what im talking about if I ask them "the alias should be setup via apache, and then symlink the www dir to the public_html directory"? Lol, because i have no idea what that means. Also, how to I ask to make it non-www or www in the alias?
Thank You