to those who want the user could choose to receive or not emails, I did this:
I created a profile field called: "Receive Email Notifications on Visitor Messages"
The identification of the field was 'field5' (you can see this after you create the profile field, I created a radio button with two options: 'Yes' and 'No')
then, edit the two plugins of this product:
find (the first line of the plugin):
if($vbulletin->options['VMEN_active'] == 1)
and replace for:
if($vbulletin->options['VMEN_active'] == 1 AND $userinfo['field5'] == 'Yes')
pay attention to use the proper field identification (in my case was field5)
now, only those who have choosen 'Yes' will receive the email
another simple addition to have the link to the profile in the email is:
change this:
to this:
. "You can see your profile <a href=\"http://YOURDOMAIN/forum/member.php?u=" . $userinfo['userid'] . "\">here</a>" . "\n\r" . 'Thanks.';
make sure to use your own domain instead of "YOURDOMAIN"
ps: the only problem is that the email isnt at html form... so it will need to add some parameters to the vbmail function which is called at the end (I will try to investigate to understand how to do this)