Religion - Held mankind back for centuries. Ridiculed the greatest discoverers long past. It's certainly dieing, a dieing business. I can't say I believe in a god, I believe in mankind whether in a bad way or a positive way. I see religion as a way of people turning to something for comfort rather than a benefiting way to their situation.
Like I stated in the last religion orientated thread there's not a lot I hate in life though religion is one mainly for it's false claims, lack of facts.
If people feel that religion improves the quality of their lives fair play but most religions force their scriptures/beliefs down your throat which I haven't got time for anymore.
Like I said, people will turn to religion in times where maybe something terrible has happened, maybe to their families, themselves etc and to me turning to something so meaningless on the turn of a whim is somewhat silly. I'm sure many people will have comfort in that and if that's what they like then fairplay to them.