Originally Posted by Chadi
I'm using another hack in conjuction with this one. The other mod (now in mod graveyard) is called Check4Spam. The reason I use that one still is because it allows custom rules.
My custom rules are:
[url|www .|www. |w-w-w|w.w.w|(dot)|[dot]|{dot}|.html|.htm|.shtml|.php|.asp|.cgi|.com |.net |.org |.info |.co.uk |.com/ |.net/ |.org/ |.info/ |.co.uk/ |.com.|.net.|.org.|.info.|.co.uk.|http://
It also allows ignore list (whitelist domains rules) and spam keyword check as well.
Would you be willing to add such features into yours?
My Feature Requests Summed Up:
- white list domains
- spam keyword check
- custom rules for link/image/email prevention (as shown above) [aka
URL Identifiers]
I've attached the original mod file.
Anyone else interested in this idea? Perhaps we can donate $10 each until the author is satisfied?