Originally Posted by Markos
yes thats right
I would have to check it out but I am pretty busy in the coming weeks
Originally Posted by nascartr
I hope someone can help me that may have had the same problem. I installed this last night and imported all message from Cyb's Chatbox. They loaded up just fine and displayed in the Chatbox. This morning I have an empty chatbox. I can go into full mode and it's still empty but I can go into the archive and see all of the messages. I type a message in the chatbox and only my message shows up. It's like the old messages have been permantly archived. Is that an option I have over looked?
Originally Posted by nascartr
Figured it out, I had not set "Separate SQL query for the notifications" to yes so all of the chats had been bumped off.
Yep :-)
Originally Posted by opl
Well i installed this 2.3.1 on fresh instalation of vb and i can set what must to be shown, but when i save options it make all marks clear. I mean i cant choose what to show coz after save it is making them clear.
Sorry but this is not very clear, I presume english is not your mother tongue but please try to formulate it a bit clearer.