Reedeemed, interesting... How do you know what you believe to be the truth? This arrogance(no offense) is and has been the root of some pretty serious evil in all religions. Please answer this thread not by your account/feeling but in the way I asked. What proof do you or any have for that matter? What would happen if you could only worship in your home? For me, I'm sick of the judgemental "almighty" ones in every religion, causing so much harm in the world since man starting walking up right. If what I see and have experienced coming from the religious ones is goodness, they certainly will never inherit this earth or virgins.
So again, how do you know what you've be taught and have read to be the truth? Where you there?
I do believe in GOD BUT I don't believe in people. There in lies the problem. PEOPLE have ruined religion. Used their GOD for money, sex, land and power, then and now.
Wasn't Hitler a Protestant? Can't remember. Have you every died? I have, twice in one year. There is something after, not sure what it is though.