"see what group?" the user group permission they are in/ or allows, like blogs, or pm, whatever..
ok, the promotional groups are not showing up in cp> group memberships. I dont want members to be able to request to join.
I set the promo user groups [secondary] to be able to have access only if the post count is met. Then members are auto place in by VB system. But the group that a member avances to does not show up there, nor are the permissions that the member is allowed there either.
if i set the promo usergroup as primary group then the features are available to use by members, but once a member advances to next [promo usergroup] level they are no longer in the previous group.
I verified that the users are in fact a member of these other usergroup by
1.)in admin cp >search user> user manager> usergroup options> listed are primary "reg" deisplay "default" and additional usergroups 'multi-toggled' usergroups.
2.)in admin cp>usergroups>usergroup manager>custom usergroups>show all additional users
members are showing up in the right [usergroup promo] places, they just dont have the additional features.
I checked that each 'promotional usergroup' is set to allow member to have other groups.
if i set the promo groups to primary that works, but there seems to be something im missing so to use promo as secondary.
What could I possible be missing?
Are promo groups that are set to private supose to show up in members cp>groupmembership ?????