Great Mod
Hasann, Thank You For Sharing It. :up:
Bugs I Found While Testing it:
1. If I don't set Any Usergroup (besides the Selected by Default Admin) for Edit and for Delete Messages, the Edit and Edit Buttons appear for Guests and it Allows them to Edit and Delete the Guestbook Posts.
(I had to set Super Moderators also to have Permissions to Edit and to Delete so that Guests don't have Access to those Functionalities, there should be some Error on the Code that in the Case of No Selected Usergroup then Allow Everybody to be able to Perform those Actions; I don't want Super Moderators to Perform those Actions, Only Admins).
2. The Edit and the Delete Buttons and Links are being Displayed to Usergroups Not Allowed to Perform those Actions (Like Guests); is important to Add a Conditional to Display them Only to Usergroups Allowed to Edit and to Delete in each Case.
3. Also for the Post New Message Button it's being Displayed for Usergroups Not Allowed to Post Messages; is important to Add a Conditional to Display them Only to Usergroups Allowed to Edit and to Delete in each Case.
Edit: 4. When Choosing the Human Verification Option (I'm Using Captcha), if the Poster don't Includes the Right Words then on the Form after the Error Information, the Message Field it's Empty, so Users Will Loose their Info if they don't Include the right words on the Captcha Verification, (I'm sure they wont Post the Message for a Second Time); is Important to be able to use the Captcha Verification without the Mentioned Bug, to Avoid SPAM Bots to try and Post Trash on the Guestbook.
Edit: 5. When the Mod is Disabled it Allows the Usergroups that I set to have Permissions to See the Guestbook to See it; No Message is Displayed that says that the Guestbook is Disabled; I had to Uncheck the Permissions for it not to Allow the Guests and other Usergroups (besides Admin and Super Moderators) to See the Guestbook. (I have it Disabled until this Bugs and Ideas are Implemented, because I don't have complete Control Over the Posters in cases such as the one Described for the IPs where someone can Post Trash/SPAM and I won't be able to Stop it, and that'd be Very Annoying; I'll Activate it Again Once you release your Next Update with this Corrections and Additional Necessary Features for Admins to Have Complete Control).
Ideas For Future Updates:
A. For the Guestbook Messages Page on the Admin CP, it'd be Important to be able to Select (with a Selection Box for Each Message) the Messages and to Perform Actions to the Selected Ones, Like to Approve Them or DisApprove Them, also to Delete them, (and for the Massive Delete Option to have the Confirmation Option, of Course), because in case of Many Messages to Moderate it'd be very Fast just to Approve Them and/or Dis-Approve Them in Massive way.
Edit: B. It's Also Important to Include the IP of the Poster (Registered Users and Guests), because if You Allow Unregistered Users to Post Messages on the Guestbook and someone Start Posting Trash/SPAM Messages, and You don't Have the Way to Know the IP, then There's No Way to Stop that Person From Continue Posting those Annoying Messages; if Admin Knows the IPs then with a Mod such as Miserable Users can be Able to Stop that IP from SPAMMING the Guestbook. (This is Very Importat, it happened to me with the MGC Chatbox when I Allowed Guests to Post Messages in it and I Had to Disable that Feature for Guests so that Only Registered Users can Post and if Someone Spammed the ShotBox then I Can Ban that Account, but in this Case the Guestbook Concept would be to Allow Guests to Post Comments so I Think that for Admins to Know the IP is Very Important in this Mod).
I'll be Testing it More and if I Find Something Else I'll be Posting it.
My Best Regards.