I installed the newest update 2.2.1, not fresh install. Everything is perfect now.
I have tested it using both the Upload and FTP methods, and then used the uploaded and FTP-ed items to egg an avatar, and everything works as it should now. :up:
Upload method:
Now the Upload works perfectly. There is no need to enable the item first. There is no strike-through either. The item is ready to use.
FTP method:
We need to add the item first. The word "Throw" will show up with a strike-through. Then we should enable that item first via the dropdown box. After we enable it, the strike through will disappear. After that, we can edit the item and put our own wording, like "Throw Shoe" if the new item is a shoe.
Suggestion to everyone:
Before testing/using the mod, please check your image path in the Admin Panel/Egg Avatar/Options
If your image path is wrong, you will get an error.
To Hambil:
Maybe adding a readme.txt will help yourself from having to answer to us with wrong image paths, etc. It will save you from some frustation too.
I like your mods, Hambil, especially when they are creative and playful. Thank you and keep up the good work! :up: