yea...maybe more notifications in your navbar area too
- possibly add notifications in the area where you receive your new PM notifications in the navbar, you can have recent challenge or match notifications in that area as well.
- also, when a player is submitting the scores of a match there should be the possibility of uploading screenshots for proof of the score, can't just take peoples word. is there also a dispute system?
- adding players to teams, this is automatic. it doesn't even send out a request to the player you are adding as to whether or not they want to be a part of your team. this should work just like vbulletin's friend system, where an invitation is sent and has to be accepted before a player is added to a teams roster.
- you can even add in a trash talking feature for upcoming matches like TWL, where players can vote on who they think is going to win the match and leave comments for upcoming and completed matches...
im not sure if most of my suggestions are already in, i don't see anything about "free agents" and i don't see any way to add ladder logos/avatars. i do see team logos/avatars available but it doesn't seem to be displaying or working for me. i'll test it out more...
this is the best ladder/tourny script ive ever seen for vbulletin to be fair, i would just definitely like to see it improved upon further and integrated even more with the other great community features of vbulletin.