Originally Posted by VBDev
Issue is when you have a smiley posted in a chat alone. In that case the inner height of the chatbox is not updated correctly by the browser and thus the chatbox doesn't display it correctly and an offset is appearing.
I haven't found any way to get over that sorry.

In your old ver. 1.5 everything was OK.... I hope so that you'll find solution for this version. OK, in pic#1 is posted just smilie, but on pic#2 answer is just text and pic#3 text+smilie and again it's not display chats correctly. Also, this problem is not display ALWAYS?! I believe in YOU and Your skils (I have use ver. 1.5 for a long time and
everything was working well), and You need just enough time and a little luck to find a problem...... Good Luck!
Thanks in advance m8