Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Ok On the right hand side of chat, there is the +/- to expand collapse chat.
If in Admincp, we have chat as Newest First, in chats display ( i think it is )
Then when we collapse chat it totally collapses, as it should.
If we select Oldest First, which is our users preferred choice (Chats display order)
Then when you select minimize ( ie collapse chat ) the chat collapses and then pops back out to about 1/2 its original height.
Even tho no one is chatting.
There is no total collapse unless u set the chats in collapsed mode to 0, otherwise the editor dissapear but the latest X chats appears.
Originally Posted by hqlman
Installed yesterday, works perfectly, but slows page loading up
Apart from that gr8 
Well chatbox what do you call slow page loading ?
Originally Posted by exyuteam
Here again visual explanation for another problem with your chat (VB ver. 3.8.1, Chat ver. 2.3.0)
1. I just type and read messages, and this was happened!?!?
2. If I reply, this problem persist!
3. Others replys also have some problem (you can see that I must scroll down slidebar to see a full message)
4. This time I just click on any other custom channel, and then return to General channel, and this problem NOW is corrected!
BUT, sometimes this procedure not helps  Sometimes, I need to refresh page, sometimes I must close browser,...... I still cannot find reason for this problem..... I just type and read messages.... and sometimes this problem shows.....
I think you have your vBulletin for testing, and maybee you can set input field bottom and older first, and test your chat for a long time.... Maybee, try to test it from time to time couple hours (do not close browser)..... Maybee you'll see this problem?!
I just want to tell you that your chat version 1.5 don't have this problem with this settings!!!!
Issue is when you have a smiley posted in a chat alone. In that case the inner height of the chatbox is not updated correctly by the browser and thus the chatbox doesn't display it correctly and an offset is appearing.
I haven't found any way to get over that sorry.
Originally Posted by shot2bits
Is there an easy way to display who's online in the chatbox window?
It's an option.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Members that do not have permission to see the archives, can see the link to the archives. This seems to be a bug.
Oh really ? That's possible, I am adding this to the bug list for later check, thanks for the report.