Originally Posted by Raug
Sometimes I have a problem where if foreign characters are used (such as Japanese) the text stops appearing. It doesn't happen all the time, but it only happens when foreign characters are used. Sorry if it was mentioned already, I didn't see it scanning back through the pages.
What you can try is changing the chat text field of the mgc_cb_evo_chat table to utf8.
Originally Posted by MikeDVB
A fellow administrator installed and then uninstalled this but the settings are still listed on usergroups and now we cannot modify usergroups due to:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'mgc_cb_evo_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, March 26th 2009 @ 01:59:52 AM
Error Date : Thursday, March 26th 2009 @ 01:59:52 AM
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community
How can I remove this?
What I need to know how to do is how to remove the MCG ChatBox Evo Custom Permissions from the UserGroup Administration page. I reinstalled the addon and then uninstalled it and I still have this at the bottom of my usergroup settings: http://www.screen-shot.net/ss/664945965867.png
How do I get rid of it?
Well your admin should have read the uninstall instructions ...
To remove this error remove the cahtbox files from the includes/xml directory.
Originally Posted by Markos
every one who has said its not refreshing is useing IE i use firefox and never have any probs but there is one or 2 say it dosnt refresh. even wen i was using v2.2.1 i didnt have eny probs just every one else lol
So it's working well on firefox but not on ie on your website that's right ?
Originally Posted by solidlink
yes im using filezilla, mind telling me how to upload correctly? thanks
Check your filezilla options, the other users where using filezilla too and had problems.
Try removing files and then upload them rather than overwriting.
Originally Posted by Se?or Ramos
I tried looking but couldn't find anything. Is there a reason that I wouldn't be able to see the .gif images that I have uploaded to the images/misc/mgc_cb_evo_channels directory?
Well unless you are not using your ftp software I don't know, I am not behind your mouse