Originally Posted by y2krazy
Having a little issue. When I choose a new font color and hit Enter, I get the following (correct) result in the Chatbox:
after more replied
However, the second it moves to the 2nd line (if another msg is posted), it turns into the following:
[color=Tomato]after more replied[/color] (no color and the vB Code is shown)
Originally Posted by y2krazy
I am still having the above issue.
~ Sean
It's been 2 weeks since I first posted my problem. You have posted several times since my initial post without even acknowlegding my issue. If this continues I will have no choice but to find an alternative. I really enjoy your modifications and I have several others installed, but if you only drop in once in a blue moon and only skim through the user posts, you should consider classifying this as Unsupported. I understand you have a lot of other threads to consider and you have other obligations, but if you say you will support something, please follow through. Thanks.
~ Sean