I have a couple of questions for you. First, I think this mod is excellent.
I want to be able to hide the revenue share ads from the threadstarter so they aren't tempted to click their own ads and get booted from adsense. Any ideas on how I can hack your code to do this? I think this would be an excellent addition to the script.
Also, do you know how I can hack the script to do sharing of not only adsense code, but HTML code? For instance, for my users that don't have adsense accounts I want to be able to let them post ads that I provide and give them a share of the click-through, etc. Any thoughts on how I could hack the script to allow integration with a user field and then let the user decide if their adsense id shows up or if the HTML shows up?
I think both of those would be awesome additions to the script and would make it well on its way to mod of the month
