Originally Posted by djilou
Some bugs <D
when I try to edit an egg on admincp
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE eggimage SET
name='Throw Egg',
WHERE imageid=1;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'type' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, March 25th 2009 @ 08:24:40 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 25th 2009 @ 08:24:40 PM
Script : /admincp/eggadmin.php?do=add
Referrer : /admincp/eggadmin.php?do=modify&imageid=1&action=edit
Woohooo! My first official 2.0 fix. 2.0.1 is now available.
And this one : 50 Credit to egg, 50 Credit to clean, 0 to clean all.
This (I believe) is a refresh bug. I can't seem to get it to recalculate the # of eggs on a avatar until you refresh the thread. Let me know if that is the same problem you are having, and if so it's already on my list to eventually figure out.
If does charge the right amount, it just doesn't display it properly in the popup without a refresh, do to some YUI caching crap I think.